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CCV12; new user upgraded from old version

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CCV12; new user upgraded from old version - 9/4/2020 7:07:59 PM   


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Joined: 9/4/2020
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I (unfortunately) lost my old trusty version. I'm trying to figure out how to do a few comfortable things I used to be able to do.

I see I can split the screen horizontally..is there a way to split vertically so I can see/scale the calendar on one side, and see events on the other side? Splitting horizontally deletes too much of the calendar, and doesn't show enough events.

Is there a way to set the global end date of the calendar? ie. I'd like events to "end" in 2030 or late.

Can I select which event lists show on a calendar? It used to be pretty easy...

My mouse scroll doesn't work on the calendars but works for every other W10 application I use.

Can I add predetermined sets of events after starting a calendar? (ie, add US holidays once a calendar has been started)

Thanks for the help getting (re)started in CC!

Post #: 1
RE: CCV12; new user upgraded from old version - 9/5/2020 10:07:23 AM   

Posts: 533
Joined: 6/22/2005
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You didn't mention what version your older Calendar Creator was, but if it's not terribly old, the new 12.2 will work in a very similar way. As for your questions:


I see I can split the screen horizontally..is there a way to split vertically so I can see/scale the calendar on one side, and see events on the other side? Splitting horizontally deletes too much of the calendar, and doesn't show enough events.

Yes, you can split the screens vertically. It will make the calendar portion's print size much smaller, but if you can read it, it will work for that purpose.

Adapted from Help: "Choose Preferences from the File menu. select a Split Window Position from the drop-down list. Click OK to set this option to appear with all of your calendar views."

Note that with the vertical selection, you do not have the option to drag one of the calendar borders to the left to activate it, the way you can with the horizontal choice, or with the "no split window" choice.


Is there a way to set the global end date of the calendar?

Calendar Creator is a perpetual calendar, so there's no end to calendars, although an end can be set for a repeating event. When you're printing the calendar, the print dialogue offers a date range to print, and that's how you "end" a calendar.


Can I select which event lists show on a calendar?

To select which events show on the calendar, use the Categories feature: Events, Categories. Check the boxes of the Categories you want to show, or uncheck the boxes for ones you do not want to show.


My mouse scroll doesn't work on the calendars but works for every other W10 application I use.

In my calendars the mouse scroll doesn't work with the calendars either, though it does work with event lists. What that tells me is that the mouse scroll function is not disabled in the program, but it is not active on the calendar screen itself.


Can I add predetermined sets of events after starting a calendar? (ie, add US holidays once a calendar has been started)

Yes, you can import new sets of events with an existing calendar. It's always useful to make a backup calendar copy before making any substantial changes to it.

Good luck with CC 12.2.



(in reply to weilmd)
Post #: 2
RE: CCV12; new user upgraded from old version - 9/5/2020 9:33:44 PM   


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Joined: 9/4/2020
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Still can't see how to vertically split the screen. Would be an excellent feature, especially for the (now) wider screens.

Still don't see the global end of event setting....meaning each and every even has to be manually set if it's to a "forever, every year" event?

Got lists figured out.

Mouse scroll works in "event" listing but does not scroll the calendar...only by click/drag on the sidebar.

Figured out how to add other events.


(in reply to weilmd)
Post #: 3
RE: CCV12; new user upgraded from old version - 9/5/2020 11:20:26 PM   

Posts: 533
Joined: 6/22/2005
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To split the screen, take a look at this screenshot that shows the split screen option selection, taken from the menu under File, Preferences.

A basic event does not need to have any kind of end date. The event applies to the date that it's it's entered only. For example, if I enter a date on the calendar grid for today, that event will occur only on this day, and will not repeat next year. However, if you want an event to repeat, you must choose to make it a repeating event, and you have lots of options for how frequently the event will repeat. Does this help?

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by DEJenc3 -- 9/5/2020 11:22:55 PM >



(in reply to weilmd)
Post #: 4
RE: CCV12; new user upgraded from old version - 9/6/2020 9:01:29 AM   


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The split screen...YES!! That is it! I looked and looked...staring me in the face!! Thanks!!!

The date...not so sure that was my question. The question really is...If I set up an event to be "every year" I would think that should show up every year from now on, UNLESS I specify otherwise. It looks like if I don't specify "repeat for" or "repeat until" it will only show for the start date. Is this true?

If so, for entering birthdays, for example, there are a lot of extra keystrokes needed for an event that should go on for years...or, like the split screen, am I missing something?

As for the mouse, when I split vertically (now that I know how!), it will work on the event panel and will scroll horizontally to show the columns or vertically to show the rows. But on the calendar panel, it does not work at all.

Didn't see the response for the mouse...it IS strange that scroll would not be enabled for every panel...in this, the age of mice....

(as a note, I have (re)entered all of the calendar events from a printed calendar my faithful and paper saving wife had in her files...so the calendar is all set up and ready to go. Thanks for your help!


< Message edited by weilmd -- 9/6/2020 9:05:33 AM >

(in reply to DEJenc3)
Post #: 5
RE: CCV12; new user upgraded from old version - 9/6/2020 2:59:54 PM   

Posts: 533
Joined: 6/22/2005
Status: offline
I'm glad you got the split screen worked out. Sometimes these things are easier to explain with an illustration.

You have it right on repeating events: you must specify an end date or number of repetitions in some way, or it will have no way of knowing when it's supposed to stop. So, yes, if you don't specify the repetition, the event will just be a single date, nonrepeating.

The mouse action described has been that way as long as I remember. I don't know the reasoning behind it, but this is not the only program that has its own idiosyncrasies for mouse commands. I can't say that it's ever bothered me.

I'm glad it seems to be working out for you!



(in reply to weilmd)
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