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How to open CC 2 files in CC 10

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How to open CC 2 files in CC 10 - 9/30/2005 7:47:26 PM   
version 10


Posts: 1
Joined: 9/30/2005
Status: offline
I can run the version 2 data with version 2 so I know it a good file yet when I go to version 10 and select the open data option and select the ver 2 file tipe then select open, my system hangs then after about 10 min it give "system not responding"
what is my next step?

< Message edited by Brandy redux -- 10/7/2012 7:44:16 PM >
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RE: How to open CC 2 files in CC 10 - 9/30/2005 9:03:41 PM   

Posts: 90
Joined: 3/20/2005
Status: offline
Hi version 10,

As you probably already know, when you create calendars with Calendar Creator 2, two types of files are created. The actual calendar file will be saved as a *.ccw file. The Events List files will be saved as *.cce files. Only the *.cce files can be opened in Calendar Creator 10 (and, then, only one at a time). So, if you have been trying to open a *.ccw file in Calendar Creator 10, it won't work.

But, if you have been trying to open a *.cce file in Calendar Creator 10, you should be able to do so by doing one of two things.

1. If you have already opened a Calendar Creator 10 project, either click on the 'Open' button in the top toolbar or click on File in the menubar, then click on Open Collection in the menu that drops down. When the Open window opens, click on the down arrow next to the 'Files of Type' box then select '2.x Event File (*.cce)' in the list that drops down. Click on the *.cce file then click on Open.

2. If no Calendar project is yet open on the screen, either click on the 'Open' button in the top toolbar or click on File in the menubar, then click on Open in the menu that drops down. When the Open window opens, click on the down arrow next to the 'Files of Type' box then select '2.x Event File (*.cce)' in the list that drops down. Click on the *.cce file then click on Open.

Whichever option you choose, a window should then open with two other options - 'Each event keeps its present style' and 'All events in each category have the same style'. After you have made the desired selection, you would then click on OK and the event list should be automatically opened in the Calendar Creator project. If the system hangs at this point, it is possible that you need to restart the computer then try to open the *.cce file again; but, this time select a different option than the one that was selected the first time you tried to open the *.cce file (i.e. 'Each event keeps its present style' or 'All events in each category have the same style').

If the file still will not open, the Calendar Creator 2 *.cce file may be in a format that is not recognized by Calendar Creator 10; or, the events may be formatted in a style that is not recognized by Calendar Creator 10. When/if the file still won't open, it might be a good idea to open the *.cce file in Calendar Creator 2 and save it with a different name - always remembering to save the file with an 8-character-only name before the period (and, with no special characters in the file name). But, before trying to open the newly saved *.cce file in Calendar Creator 10, it might be a good idea to restart the computer then open only Calendar Creator.

Please do let me know if this works for you.

< Message edited by Brandy redux -- 10/7/2012 7:44:23 PM >


Never say "Never" - there's always an exception to every rule

(in reply to version 10)
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