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Printmaster 7

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Printmaster 7 - 2/3/2016 6:37:24 PM   
Joe Lesko


Posts: 16
Joined: 9/5/2014
Status: offline
How do I print either the 2 outside pages or the 2 inside pages of a greeting card? When I try to print just the inside pages, the pages show up on the screen in the center of a landscape layout.
Post #: 1
RE: Printmaster 7 - 2/3/2016 7:32:16 PM   

Posts: 3253
Joined: 10/2/2006
Status: offline

How do I print either the 2 outside pages or the 2 inside pages of a greeting card? When I try to print just the inside pages, the pages show up on the screen in the center of a landscape layout.

The program is quirky* when you ask it to print "select" pages. It's best to print the whole thing. What will happen is that the outside pages print first, then the program stops and tells you to re-insert the card stock. When you click OK, the inside pages will print.

*Each card panel prints separately on its own sheet, in the middle. Not useful.

(in reply to Joe Lesko)
Post #: 2
RE: Printmaster 7 - 2/3/2016 7:34:43 PM   

Posts: 3253
Joined: 10/2/2006
Status: offline
If you are ever unsure as to how the print will be positioned on your paper, just print to the cutePDF printer. That will give you your answer without wasting ink and card stock.

(in reply to Joe Lesko)
Post #: 3
RE: Printmaster 7 - 2/4/2016 8:42:30 AM   
Joe Lesko


Posts: 16
Joined: 9/5/2014
Status: offline

RIGINAL: Joe Lesko
How do I print either the 2 outside pages or the 2 inside pages of a greeting card? When I try to print just the inside pages, the pages show up on the screen in the center of a landscape layout.

The program is quirky* when you ask it to print "select" pages. It's best to print the whole thing. What will happen is that the outside pages print first, then the program stops and tells you to re-insert the card stock. When you click OK, the inside pages will print.

*Each card panel prints separately on its own sheet, in the middle. Not useful.

______Thank you, I appreciate the answer. This is not the case with Printmaster 18.1. It is a program with less frills, but very effective and easy to use._______________________

(in reply to ellengard)
Post #: 4
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